Safeguard your brand – Prevent and Address Misuse

Is Your Trademark Being Misused? Safeguard your brand – Prevent and Address Misuse

Checking and addressing misuse of your trademark is crucial to protect your brand’s identity, reputation and value.


  1. Monitor your Trademark: Keep monitoring the market place regularly to ensure that your IP is not being misused or infringed. You should also periodically check social media sites and e-commerce sites to track any infringing activity.
  2. Investigate the Misuse: If you discover potential infringement, conduct a thorough investigation to determine the extent and nature of infringement. Collect evidence, including photographs, documents and samples of the product with invoices that you can use in a court of law to prove unauthorized use.
  3. Consult an Attorney: It is highly recommended that you consult an IP lawyer once you come across any misuse of your IP.
  4. Cease and Desist Notice and Legal Action: Your attorney will advise you to either draft a cease and desist (C&D) notice formally demanding that the infringing party immediately cease and desist from infringing your IP or to initiate legal proceedings immediately. The C&D notice and the civil suit may also contain demands for disclosure and destruction of infringing goods and payment of damages. You can also file criminal proceedings against infringers, in certain cases.
  5. Caution Notice: Your attorney may also help in drafting a Caution Notice which you can publish in local newspapers to make people aware of your rights and cautioning them from infringing the same.


Navigating the complexities of trademark misuse can be intricate and, at times, time-consuming, yet it is undeniably crucial. Seeking guidance from a seasoned intellectual property attorney is strongly recommended to guarantee the effective protection of your rights.


If you are confused or require any additional information you may visit our website for more information or contact us to talk to one of our experienced attorneys.

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